Restoration Wellness, LLC
No refunds on unused package sessions.
Rates, Services and Descriptions
30 Minute Bodywork $85 Focused care for one problem area.
60 Minute Bodywork $120 Full body therapeutical treatment, saying hello to all your major muscle groups
buy 5 for $550.00 (10% savings)
90 Minute Bodywork $145 Full body therapeutical treatment, plus time for re-treatment of problem areas
buy 5 for $653.00 (10% savings)
Types of Therapeutical Treatments
Active Release Technique (ART) are a soft tissue method that focuses on relieving tissue tension via the removal of fibrosis/adhesions which can develop in tissues as a result of overload due to repetitive use. These disorders may lead to muscular weakness, numbness, aching, tingling and burning sensations.
Sports Bodywork focuses on muscles relevant to an event. For athletes who train continuously, the goal is to enhance endurance, lessen the chance of injury and shorten the time needed to recover from an event. Prior to an event, Sports Bodywork may be used with stretching in order to help athletes loosen warm and prepare their muscles so that their performance and endurance might be enhanced. Following an athletic event, Sports Bodywork may be used to relieve pain, prevent stiffness, and return the muscles back to their normal state. Sports Bodywork may also be used for injury rehabilitation.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage relieves swelling that happens when medical treatment or illness blocks your lymphatic system. Lymphatic drainage involves gently manipulating specific areas of your body to help lymph move to an area with working lymph vessels
Neuromuscular Bodywork is a specialized form of deep tissue treatment in which digital pressure and friction are used to release areas of strain on a muscle. These areas of strain are called trigger points and are the cause of muscular pain symptoms.
Myo-Fascial Release is a manipulative treatment that attempts to release tension in the fascia due to trauma, posture, or inflammation. Connective tissues called fascia surround muscles, bones, nerves and organs of the body.
Medical Bodywork Method is an outcome-based bodywork, primarily the application of a specific treatment targeted to specific problem(s) the patient presents with a diagnosis and are administered after a thorough assessment/evaluation by the medical bodywork therapist with specific outcomes being the basis of treatment.
Restoration Wellness, LLC
678-480-2942 |